
Alcudia’s nature walks

Walking routes

The routes shown on these pages are intended to draw residents and visitors from all over the world.

The purpose of this publication is to showcase the different access roads to our little paradise, full of unknown places, unusual paths, idyllic corners and areas of incalculable beauty. We would be especially pleased if this unique natural environment was enjoyed while being respected and preserved.

The municipality of Alcúdia has areas of incredibly diverse terrain such as orchards, dry land, wetlands and mountain areas, all of them enveloped by the peculiar charm of the Mediterranean Sea.

Thanks to a mild and temperate climate, most of these walking routes can be undertaken at any time of year. However, the ideal season for hiking in Alcudia is the spring, when nature explodes into colour and light.

The hermitage of La Victoria

This excursion is an introduction to ​​Cap del Pinar, currently preserved by the Law of Natural Spaces of the Balearic Islands.

Starting from Alcúdia, follow the road to Mal Pas. After a couple of kilometres you will reach the urban center of Mal Pas - Bonaire, from where you continue to the marina along the road that borders the sea.

After taking the Victòria road, you pass the torrent of les Fontanelles and walk for about 5 minutes, until you come to l’Illot (bar and bathroom service).

Leaving the detour to Cap de Pinar to your left, continue uphill towards the hermitage of la Victòria. Hermitage of Victòria - Penya del Migdia. Once you get here you can carry on up the mountain along a narrow path until you get to a left hand turn that climbs along the coast for 3 km until you get to the foot of the Migdia cliff. Then carry on for a further 15 minutes to get to the top of the hill, where you are met with an impressive panoramic view of the Bay of Pollença and the Cape of Formentor, and on a clear day, you can see as far as the neighbouring island of Menorca.

S'Albufera Nature Reserve

The Nature Reserve of s’Albufera is the most important wetland area in the Balearic Islands and has two very important international conservation titles: in 1987 it was declared SPECIAL PROTECTED AREA FOR BIRDS (ZEPA) AND AN AREA OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE BY THE RAMSAR CONVENTION.

You can start this excursion in Alcúdia town or from any part of Port d’Alcúdia. If you set off from Alcúdia old town you have to take the road next to the church which goes to Artà and past the sports stadium. 6 km from Alcúdia you will get to the Pont dels Anglesos bridge, and on the bridge itself you will find the entrace to the reserve on your right.

There is no entry fee; however, you are advised to go straight to the reception and register as a visitor. The reception is 1 km from the entrance to the reserve. Here you will be given information about the reserve and what there is to see. In the same reception office you will also find practical information on how to visit the reserve and on its flora and fauna.

There are four marked itineraries, with several points of interest, which you can follow either on foot or by bike. Another interesting option is to take advantage of the 12 bird watching hides. More than two hundred species of birds have been classified. There is a binocular hire service in the reserve, as well as written information on the reserve: there is also a guide, (the Guia de Passeig).

Puig de Sant Martí

Puig de Sant Martí is the mountain you see south-west of the town. It has two peaks with wonderful views: one is a panorama of most of the Alcúdia district; the town, the port, the mountains, the two bays, (Alcúdia and Pollença) and a large part of the mountains of Mallorca. On top of the southern peak there is an extensive view of the Mallorcan plain and the Albufera.

This excursion begins and ends in the square, Plaça de la Porta de Mallorca. We leave the town from the front of the Auditorium and we take the road between the Auditorium and the Supermarket. A the end of this road you will find the Camí de l’Esgleiassa. Keep straight on along this road until you reach the Palma - Alcúdia road in front of the Petrol station. Turn left and walk along the main road till reach the big roundabout.

Cross the roundabout and carry on towards Palma and about 50 m. on your left you will find the Camí del Poble Nou and the sign Puig de Sant Martí. This path is easy to recognise because it has a large pine wood to the left and cultivated land to the right. This path gently climbs for 20 minutes until it reaches the turning that climbs to the top of the mountain. The turning is on the left and to the right there is Poble Nou that gives its name to the path. The ascent is short, in 15 minutes you reach the hill between the two peaks and a further 10 minutes is long enough to arrive at either of the two peaks. The path continues until the peak of the aerials. If you want to go to the one, there is no path but access is not very difficult.

Return down the same path you came up and in 20 minutes you are back at the crossroad. Follow the same path as before and after 30 minutes you will come to the Sant Martí cave, after crossing Murterar road, to return to Alcúdia we shall continue descending until reaching a roundabout 300 metres below; immediately after the roundabout there is a narrow path which we take to the left to arrive at Bellevue (20 minutes). We pass through and arrive at Pere Mas i Reus; turn to the left and at the end of the road we find Camí del Puig which we shall follow for 20 minutes until we reach a turning to the right which in 20 minutes takes us to the point of our departure.

The north coast

This excursion is designed to show you the low, rocky northern coastline of Alcudia and some of its beaches. We recommend going by bike.

Set off from Porta de Mallorca and take Carrer de Sant Sebastià road. At the end of the street there is a path, called Camí del Corral d´en Bennàssar, which passes through farmland and 700 metres ahead, near the path, you will see an old water wheel of the kind used to draw water from the well to irrigate the fields; nearby, to your right, you will see the windmill and just next to the windmill we leave the path and head for the sea (300 metres).

It is a pleasant coastline where nature blends with buildings and wooden moorings scattered along the shore. Continue along the coast road beside the sea for 1 Km -  parts of it have been asphalted and others not - until you get to the Plaça de Mestres d´Aixa. This is a good spot to stop and enjoy the panoramic views of the coast, which stretch as far as Cap del Pinar. Follow Carrer de les Velesuntil until you reach Barcarès harbour, then follow the coast along Avinguda del Camp de Mar, to Morer Vermell. Head back towards the sea again at Passeig de Tirant lo Blanc and this will lead you to Manresa (1,5 Km). Cross Manresa in the direction of Mal Pas and 800 metres ahead we come to the beach of Sant Joan

You can return to Alcudia via Mal Pas, on the Camí de Mal Pas which is  2,5 Km. It is also possible to get to Porta del Moll on Carrer del Molinot. Porta de Mallorca-North Coast-Porta Roja.

A shorter version of the above excursion from Barcarès harbour is to continue to Alcúdia along the Camí del Barcarès (1 Km) which takes you to Porta Roja, where in antiquity there was a third city gate.

Camí de l'Hort dels Moros

This walk will take you along the old paths in the interior of the municipality and is a great introduction to the natural Mediterranean landscape of this part of the island, particularly the extensive pine forests that cover the area. The excursion begins in Alcúdia on the Carretera de Bastió de Santa Maria (the public school Porta del Moll is currectly located inside the ruins of the bastion). Continue parallel to the wall, in the direction of the Morer Vermell, reaching the best preserved section of the bastion, known as the bastion of Sant Ferran, opposite the Municipal Police. After leaving the building and the town, you will arrive at Ca' Anglès, from where you will leave the Camí del Morer Vermell to take the Camí de l’Hort dels Moros, past the Tito Cittadini road.

This path will lead you through forests of pine trees, holm oaks and farm fields all the way to Mal Pas. When you reach the crossroads ignore the first exit on the right on the Camí del Mal Pas, and take the second road on the right - the Camí de Muntanya - towards Coll Baix, leaving the urbanization of Bonaire to your left. Carry on until you take the second road on the right, the Camí de s’Alou, with a slight slope that reaches the highest part of the route, from where you can see an impressive panoramic view of the Port d’Alcúdia. From that point, the road goes down to near the population center of Alcúdia, follow it until you find a perpendicular road to the right, which enters the town, along the street of Jaume II and later the Molinot road, arriving back at your starting point.


The aim of this excursion is to reach the beach of Alcanada, just in front of the islet that bears the same name. It is a low altitude coastal relief, with stretches of pebbled beach. The vegetation reaches the seashore, giving the place an untampered charm. The tour can start at Porta de Xara or alternatively at the Moll, in the direction of the Moll, through Pol.lèntia street. For this section of the route take the walking path that runs along beside the road.

Once you have reached the Moll, along Teodor Canet street, carry on to the fishing pier, initially to continue along the Gabriel Roca road, and then along the Camí d'Alcanada, which will leads to the beach. Just after the moll roundabout, the street has an upward slope, and to the right you can see the old power station, currently in disuse. Shortly after, when you enter a small road to the right and can see the Torre Major, a 17th-century building which served as look out and defense tower at a time of frequent pirates attacks and looting on this part of the coast . After a small breather, continue until you enter the urbanization d’Alcanada, at the end of which, the relief of the coast becomes more interesting, with a small pine forest followed by beach. After several hundred meters, the road comes to an end, opening out onto a view of the island of Alcanada. The return trip can be made following the same route in the opposite direction, or, after the Moll, take the Camí del Teatre Romà that will lead you back to Alcúdia.

Es Coll Baix

The walk to Coll Baix is another of Alcúdia´s natural attractions. The excursion has two possible destinations, one to the Coll Baix beach and the other up to the Talaia d´Alcúdia, both only accessible on foot. It is really worth walking the whole route, though you can get as far as Coll Baix by bike or car. We leave the Porta des Moll on Carrer de la Creu and Carrer del Molinot, cross the Xara road up to Jaume II road and to the left there is a path that used to go to the Port. Carry on for 100 metres and to the left you will come to the beginning of Camí de s´Alou. This climbs steadily for a couple of Kms and leads to the highest point of the path where there is a good view of the whole of Port d´Alcúdia. After an easy descent we reach Camí de la Muntanya which we follow to the right. The path passes through an arid countryside with fields enclosed by traditional stone walls and it takes you to the Protected Natural Area (2,5 Km). Here the path winds through pine woods, at first on level ground and finally climbing until we reach Coll Baix, where you can sit and have a drink (3 Km).

Coll Baix Beach: A challenging route because of the distance it covers. It mainly runs through wooded areas included in the Natura 2000 Network, and along inland paths flanked by walls made using the local dry wall technique. It also offers breathtaking scenic views. 

Talaia d’Alcúdia : The climb to Talaia is also a highly recommended option. Take a detour to the left of Coll Baix, up to the Puig del Boc (approx. 30 minutes), the road descends for a while, and then resumes its upward climb until it connects with the road that leads to the hermitage (approx. 40 minutes). Once here, the walk to the very top only takes about 5 minutes. To go back down you can either return via the same itinerary in the opposite direction or by linking up with the return route from the hermitage (excursion # 1).


The S'Albufera Natural Park constitutes the most important wetland area in the Balearic Islands and has been the subject of two very significant international conservation statements: in 1987 it was declared a SPECIAL PROTECTION AREA FOR BIRDS (ZEPA) AND AREA OF INTERNATIONAL IMPORTANCE ACCORDING TO THE RAMSAR AGREEMENT. This excursion can start in Alcúdia or anywhere in the Port of Alcúdia. 6 km from Alcúdia, in the direction of Artà, you will reach the Pont dels Anglesos, and the access route to the entrance of the park.

At the reception, approximately one kilometre from the entrance, you will be given all the information you need regarding the park and its walking routes and best birdwatching sites, as well detailed information of its abundant flora and fauna. The tour can be done on foot or by bicycle. Over two hundred species of birds have been cataloged within the park - there is a binoculars rental service offered to visitors, as well as different hides from which birds can be observed. For more information, there is also a guide book available, published in Catalan, Spanish, English and German.